07 July 2012

Turning 32...

... somehow didn't seem as tragic as hitting 30 itself.

Am looking forward to doing a lot of things this year, meeting targets and ticking things off my bucketlist.  Here's hoping 2012 will turn out to be splendid! 

I've been incredibly busy with work in UNICEF, and I hope to post more updates soon. Ever since the social media boom, life in the digital age has been a bit more complicated.  Aside from maintaining Facebook and Twitter accounts, I'm forever doing stuff on my Instagram, TripAdvisor and Flickr accounts. (lol, such problems) Sadly, my blogging has seemed to have taken a backseat in the age of instant-gratification Facebook posting.

Will try to be back very soon! In the meantime, you can check my amateur travel photos in Flickr. I've started uploading my travel photos bit by bit. :)